
Justice Massage

About the Practitioner

Shanna Lee Moore
Nationally Certified Massage Therapist NCBTMB #541527-07 & CA Cert #39445
At Justice Massage our goal is to help your body heal itself.  The combination of therapeutic massage and electrolyzed reduced water allows for the body to return to homeostasis.
Pain is the body´s way of communicating to us that something isn´t functioning the way it was designed to.  My goal is to give you tools to relieve stress and tension as well as to help you live at your optimal potential.
Shanna Lee Moore has been a massage therapist since 2007.  Her intuitive style as well as advanced training in various modalities offers you a one of a kind, customized massage experience.  Whether you´re scheduling in the office or enjoying the therapeutic benefits of massage in the comfort of your own home, vacation rental or office, you can be assured of receiving a high quality, therapeutic massage every time.